CTO/Fullstack Developer at HireHive.com. JavaScript, Angular, NativeScript, Azure, Signalr, C#, WebApi, VueJS, .net core.

Getting margin to work on item-template with Android

Recently while developing a NativeScript Android app, I wanted to create a card style list-view with a margin between each row to give it a material design look. Since NativeScript uses CSS for it’s styling, I presumed adding margin to each item in the list would do the trick.

The problem

Here’s my CSS styling with the margin-bottom on each item in the list. All other CSS properties took effect just not margin-bottom.

.list-item {
    background-color: white;
    padding: 10;
    margin-bottom: 5;    
<list-view items="{{jobList}}" row="1" colSpan="2" separatorColor="transparent">
        <!-- .list-item margin-bottom NOT working -->
        <grid-layout columns="*, auto" rows="auto, auto" class="list-item">
            <Label row="0" text="{{ name }}" class="list-title" />
            <Label row="1" text="{{ location }}" class="list-subtitle" />
            <Label col="1" text="{{ status }}" class="{{'tag-sm status-' + statusClass}}" />

margin-bottom not being applied to each row

The solution

After spending some time scratching my head and trying various solutions I found a fix. By wrapping my grid-layout with a stack-layout, margin took effect. It seems as though margin will not work if it’s being applied to the first element after list-view.itemTemplate.

<list-view items="{{jobList}}" row="1" colSpan="2" separatorColor="transparent">
            <!-- .list-item margin-bottom working after wrapping it with stack-layout -->
            <grid-layout columns="*, auto" rows="auto, auto" class="list-item">
                <Label row="0" text="{{ name }}" class="list-title" />
                <Label row="1" text="{{ location }}" class="list-subtitle" />
                <Label col="1" text="{{ status }}" class="{{'tag-sm status-' + statusClass}}" />

margin-bottom working now since it’s no longer the first child of itemTemplate

Hope this helps anybody who ran into the same problem.

Noel O'Connell'

Noel O'Connell

CTO/Fullstack Developer at HireHive. JavaScript, Angular, NativeScript, Azure, Signalr, C#, WebApi.